November 2020
Thank you! 2020 has been a year of great challenges for all of us, but your loyalty and generosity to the Carmelites has sustained us. You have partnered with us in prayer and we know that it is the power of those prayers along with your financial support that has enabled us to accomplish much throughout this year of many changes.
As we look to a new year, we have hope, just as Mary and Joseph had hope when they faced a dark night of uncertainties … and then emerged into the light of a new day. It is our hope that you will continue to pray with us and for us as we celebrate this joyous time of year. We devotedly pray for you and your intentions in our daily Masses and prayers. Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Advent and Christmas and a New Year filled with peace, faith and hope!
Yours in Christ and in Carmel,
Father Michael Driscoll, O.Carm.
Carmelite Friars, St. Elias Province