The Mass was well-attended in the light of social distancing, and face masks were quite in evidence. The music was provided by a magnificent Schola formed for the occasion, and the liturgy was live-streamed.

The celebrant was Father Lucian Beltzner, O.Carm., Prior of St. Joseph’s Priory in Troy, New York. The deacon was Father David Kloster of the Diocese of Bridgeport, and the subdeacon, Mr. James Griffin of the Durandus Institute. Father Nicholas Blackwell, O.Carm., was the Preacher.
This Mass was one of the events of the Year of Vocations prepared by the Vocation Department of the St. Elias Province. Gratitude goes to Brother Von Erick Sandoval, O.Carm., Brother Gregg Durham, O.Carm., and Carol Bezak, Shrine Director, for all their efforts in preparing this Mass. Father Mario Esposito, O.Carm., Prior Provincial expressed the gratitude of the Province in his remarks at the end of Mass.