Thu Duc, Vietnam, In a heartwarming and jubilant gathering, the Carmelite Order marked a significant milestone on August 14, 2023, as they celebrated the Eucharist and the Rite of the First Profession Vows Ceremony for five novices at the Carmelite Novitiate. The atmosphere was imbued with warmth and joy as the newly professed brothers, namely Luke Huynh Kieu, Anthony Bau Tran, Joseph Binh Phan, Josef Ma. Khanh Nguyen, and Michael Ni Nguyen, took their momentous step towards a dedicated life of service.
Guided by Very Rev. Fr. Mario Esposito, O. Carm., Prior Provincial, the Mass was attended by a multitude of priests, brothers, sisters, families, benefactors, and friends hailing from different corners of the country. The Celebration was solemn yet vibrant, as the young brothers made their way to the altar, kneeling before God, they made their first profession vows into the hands of the Provincial, in the presence of the gathered faithful.
During his thought-provoking homily, Rev. Joseph Hung Tran, O.Carm Commissary Provincial, delved deeply into the significance of the three vows that the newly professed brothers embraced. The decision to relinquish worldly pursuits in favor of dedicating their lives to God and the Church was hailed as a courageous act that exemplified profound love for both the divine and humanity. The brothers’ unwavering commitment to these vows was underscored by their passionate charity and compassion.
Following the Mass, the Commissary Provincial expressed heartfelt gratitude to God and extended appreciation to the Prior Provincial for leading and presiding over the Eucharist. Recognition was also given to the numerous priests involved, with special mention of the Novice Masters, who had tirelessly guided the novices over the past year. The parents’ sacrifices and support, along with the generosity of benefactors and friends, were also acknowledged for nurturing the brothers’ vocations and supporting the mission of the Order.
After Mass, the newly professed took pictures with the friars, families and friends to commemorate the memorable occasion. The first profession ceremony concluded with a fraternal meal. Let us pray that the brothers remain always faithful to their vows, zealous, and continue to spread God’s love to all people.