Yesterday, 10 September 2019 at 9:30 am at the “Il Camelo”, Sassone, Rome, Italy, the Prior General, Fr Fernando Millán Romeral, presided the Holy Mass of the Holy Spirit, and thus begun the General Chapter of the Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, (the Carmelites). The members of the General Council concelebrated with him.
In his homily the Prior General shared some reflections about the chapter structure of the Order. The Order is characterized by its chapter structure on an organizational, spiritual and theological level. The celebrant pointed out that Revelation is a dialogical event, and that understanding revelation grows through dialogue. Carmel lives by means of a spirituality of listening, sharing and discernment and it is realized in the fundamental structures of the Order, which favour community discernment. The General Chapter is the highest expression of this spirituality.
This charismatic project is only possible through the action of the Holy Spirit. It is He who purifies, renews and transforms us. By means of chapter structure we are called to enter into an authentic and dynamic conversion and transformation.
After the celebration of the mass, Fr Augustin Barbuţ, Director of “Il Carmelo” of Sassone welcomed all the participants. Fr Edison Tinambunan then explained the logo of the Chapter.
The first session of the Chapter was then held according to clause 271 of the Constitutions. The roll call of the Gremiali and guests was read out and also of the officials of the Chapter. Then the election of the President of the Chapter, who will preside until the election of a new Prior General, was held. Fr Miceál O’Neill (Hib) was elected President of the Chapter and he accepted.
The second session of the Chapter started at 16:00. The participants approved the Ordo Capituli. The Prior General made his presentation, underlining the growth of the Order; the General Commissions, especially of Justice and Peace, Liturgy and Revision of the Constitutions; formation, intial and ongoing; protection of minors and vulnerable persons; the Carmelite Family, the concept of Carmelite Family, the nuns, recent foundations and closures; the Donum Dei family; the hermits belonging to the Order; the Third Order; the Carmelite bishops; the relationship with other ecclesial organizations like USG and CIVCSVA; the economy of the Order; the schools of the Order; the causes for beatification and canonization; and relations with the Discalced Brothers.
The Prior General expressed his gratitude for these 12 years of service to the Order. All present expressed their appreciation to the Prior General with a standing ovation.