Fr. Nicholas Blackwell, O. Carm. celebrated the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her immaculate conception at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Wed., Dec. 8, 2021). In his homily Fr. Blackwell brought home the meaning of and message of hope. During the Mass Fr. Blackwell offered a blessing for expectant mothers and fathers.
The Mass and blessings were the second in Advent 2021, a seasonal series designed to help the faithful journey with Mary, our Mother, as she prepares us for the coming of her son, Jesus.
The third and final offering of Advent 2021 will be Marian Lessons and Carols (A reflection of Mary’s Journey) at the Shrine on Thursday, Dec. 16 (6:30 pm). It will be an evening of scripture, song and prayer with a reflection offered by the Sisters of Life.