Rome, Italy, Today, September 17, 2019 on the Feast-day of the St; Albert of Jerusalem, Our Carmelite Order is happy to announce that a new Prior General, a new Vice Prior General, Procurator General and new Bursar General have been elected today.
Fr. Míċéal O’Neill O.Carm. was elected to be a Prior General of the Order. Fr. Mícéal O’Neill is a member of the Irish Province and Prior of the Cisa Community,
On the same day of the General Chapter, Fr. Benny Phang, O.Carm was elected as Vice Prior General, Fr. Benny is a member of the Indonesian Province a just finished six year term as General Councilor of Asia, Australia and Oceania.
Michael Farrugia, O.Carm. was reelected to be a Procurator General, and Christian Körner O.Carm. was elected as Bursar General.
Today, the Chapter will continue to elect the 4 councilors for each region and continent.
Let us pray for them and our Carmelite General Chapter as we continue our discernment and the elections of the new General Council for the next six years.