On Saturday, May 30th two of our Carmelite friars – Rev. Mikhail Woodruffe, O.Carm. and Rev. Leonard Paul Richmond, O.Carm., were ordained to the Priesthood at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Middletown, NY. The ordaining prelate was the Most Reverend Gerardo J. Colacicco, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of New York.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and New York State restrictions and safety regulations, the Shrine and Mass were unfortunately closed to the public. Carmelite friars and only a handful of family members were permitted to attend the Mass. With the help of Facebook and YouTube videos, many more people had the opportunity to watch the Mass from their homes. Father Mikhail’s family members who were unable to travel to the United States from Trinidad felt especially grateful to be able to follow the Mass online.
Bishop Colacicco was ordained to the episcopacy on December 10, 2019, the feast of Our Lady of Loreto, so the ordination of Fr. Mikhail and Fr. Paul was his first, making the occasion that much more meaningful for all. In his wonderful homily, the bishop talked about the Feast of Pentecost and that “the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit filled the Apostles, those newly ordained Priests, with every gift necessary to begin the work of establishing the Church throughout the world. Trust that these gifts are already yours, received at your Confirmation, but now enhanced and focused by the gift of Orders.”
Following Mass, the newly ordained priests stood outside, below a picture-perfect sky, on the beautiful grounds of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel to pose for a few
pictures with the Bishop, Carmelite friars, and a few family members.
A small luncheon reception in honor of the newly ordained followed, with everyone making sure that they followed safe distancing measures. The day ended on a festive note, despite
all of the changes brought on by the COVID-19 restrictions. Please keep our new priests in your prayers.Link to the ordination video: