Home / ARTICLES / Two Brothers in Vietnam took their Solemn Vows 2023

Two Brothers in Vietnam took their Solemn Vows 2023


Solemn Profession of Vows in Vietnam 2023


Saigon, Vietnam –  On the morning of November 18, 2023, at the Church of Chau Binh parish, Very Rev. Mario Esposito, O.Carm., the Prior Provincial of the North American Province of St. Elias, presided over the Eucharistic celebration and the ceremony of solemn profession of vows of our brothers: Vincent Tai Vu, O.Carm., and Michael Tu Tran, O.Carm. Concelebrating with the Prior Provincial was Rev. Joseph Hung Tran, O.Carm., the Commissary Provincial in Vietnam, our Carmelite priests, and guest priests inside and outside the Archdiocese of Saigon. Attending this Mass and the ceremony of solemn profession of vows were also our friars, candidates, religious brothers and sisters, the new solemnly professed brothers’ family, relatives, benefactors, and friends.


Welcome guests before the Eucharistic celebration

The Church of Chau Binh Parish


At 9 a.m., the procession started amid the deep echoes of the entrance hymn. The first and second readings were read by the relatives of the two brothers’ families. After the proclaimation of the Gospel, the names of our Brothers Vincent Tai Vu, O.Carm., and Michael Tu Tran, O.Carm. were called by their formation director, Rev. Paul Therese Hung Tran, O.Carm. The Prior Provincial then examined them about their intentions to totally dedicate themselves to God in the Order. Next, Rev. Joseph Hung Tran, O.Carm., the Commissary Provincial, gave the homily.


The liturgical procession
The Carmelite friars served the Eucharistic celebration


The main celebrant and the concelebrants in the liturgical procession


Very Rev. Mario Esposito, O.Carm., Prior Provincial, presided over the Eucharistic celebration
and the ceremony of the solemn profession of vows.


The first reading was read


The second reading was read by Brother Dominic Therese Nhat Huynh, O.Carm.


Rev. Brother Peter Trong Pham, O.Carm. proclaimed the Gospel


Brothers Vincent Tai Vu, O.Carm. and Michael Tu Tran, O.Carm., during the ceremony


Brothers Vincent Tai Vu, O.Carm. and Michael Tu Tran, O.Carm.,
whose names were called by their formation director.


Rev. Joseph Hung Tran, O.Carm. gave the homily


Attending the celebration were also the candidates from St. Therese Priory
and the student friars from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Priory


After the homily, the ceremony of solemn profession of vows was held. Before the presence of the Almighty God, into the hands of the Prior Provincial, in the presence of their brothers in the Order, and the assembly, Brothers Vincent Tai Vu, O.Carm., and Michael Tu Tran, O.Carm. vowed to God to live obedience, poverty, and chastity for life according to the Rule of St. Albert and the Constitutions of the Order.


Brothers Vincent Tai Vu, O.Carm. and Michael Tu Tran, O.Carm. during the examination


Very Rev. Mario Esposito, O.Carm. examined
Brothers Vincent Tai Vu, O.Carm. and Michael Tu Tran, O.Carm. before their profession


Brothers Vincent Tai Vu, O.Carm. and Michael Tu Tran, O.Carm. prostrated themselves during the Litany of Saints.



After the profession of vows, Brother Vincent Tai Vu, O.Carm. signed his vows
in front of his Prior Provincial and the two witnesses, Rev. Joseph Hung Tran, O.Carm. and Rev. Paul Therese Hung Tran, O.Carm.


After the profession of vows, Brother Michael Tu Tran, O.Carm. signed his vows
in front of his Prior Provincial and the two witnesses, Rev. Joseph Hung Tran, O.Carm. and Rev. Paul Therese Hung Tran, O.Carm.


The Prayer of Consecration


After the profession, the Prior Provincial, Commissary Provincial, priests, brothers, and sisters in the Carmelite family gave them a sign of fraternal peace. This gesture represents a sign of communion and deep brotherhood. From now on, Brothers Vincent and Michael belonged totally to God and to the Order.


The sign of fraternal peace from the Carmelite family

The sign of fraternal peace from the Carmelite family


The Mass continued to be celebrated with the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Before Mass ended, the Prior Provincial and the Commissary Provincial congratulated the newly professed brothers and sent their gratitude to the entire liturgical assembly.
After Mass, pictures were taken. We then shared the joy with the newly professed brothers through a party at the parish hall.

The Carmelite family

Brother Vincent’s family, relatives, and friends


Brother Michael’s family, relatives, and friends


SEL Media

About Giuseppe

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