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Ordination to Diaconate and Priesthood in Vietnam


Saigon, February 17th, 2023

Saigon, Vietnam – On February 17, 2023, the Carmelite Order, the Province of St. Elias,  the Commissariat of St. Joseph celebrated the Ordination of three of its members in a solemn ceremony held at the Tan Dinh Parish, located in the heart of the city.

Archbishop Joseph Nguyen Nang, the Archbishop of Archdiocese of Saigon, presided over the ceremony, which saw the ordination of one priest, Fr. Joseph Long Bui, O.Carm., and two deacons, Br. Joseph Tam Nguyen, O.Carm. and Br. Peter Trong Pham, O.Carm. The concelebrants were Fr. Joseph Hung Tran, O.Carm, the Commissary Provincial, Carmelite priests, pastors from all over the places of Vietnam.

The ceremony was attended by hundreds of faithful, who came to witness the historic event and show their support for the newly ordained priests and deacons. In his homily, Archbishop Nang stressed the importance of serving God and the Church with devotion and humility. He invited the newly ordained to be the people of service, not just to hold a title or say Mass, but to serve the people in all fields. The priests and deacons must be men of prayer, with experience of God as the Charism of the Carmelites, a school of prayer. They must also be men of faith.

Following the Archbishop’s homily, the Ordination ceremony continued with the laying of hands and the prayer of consecration over the newly ordained priest and deacons, as they received their vestments and holy orders.

At the end of the Celebration, Fr. Joseph Hung Tran, the Commissary Provincial, thanked Archbishop Nang for his generous service to the  the Order. He also thanked members of the formation team, all the professors, pastors who our men served and are serving, religious, parents, family, friends, benefactors and all the faithful.  A reception was held after the ceremony to celebrate the occasion, providing an opportunity for the faithful to congratulate and offer their best wishes to the newly ordained priests and deacons.

The Carmelite Order of the Province of St. Elias,  the Commissariat of St. Joseph looks forward to the continued growth and success of its mission in Vietnam, and the newly ordained brothers will undoubtedly play a vital role in fulfilling this mission.



Media of SEL Province



About Giuseppe

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