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The Ordination to the Presbyterate of Rev. Von Erick Maria Sandoval, O.Carm. 2023


Middletown, NY – In anticipation of Pentecost, Bishop Gerardo Colacicco took us back to the upper room on Saturday, 27 May 2023, as our Brother in Carmel, Von Erick Maria Sandoval, was ordained to the priesthood. A packed church came from all over the world to share in this grace-filled moment as Bishop Colacicco instructed the soon-to-be priest to follow the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. The bishop exhorted him to pray that, like St. John Paul II, he would be a “Servant of the Eucharist” and encouraged him to “offer the sacrifice of the Mass every day.” We all joined in prayer that he would be “a good and holy priest” as the sacred celebration proceeded with much reverence and devotion.

It was a joyous occasion as God ordained another of His beloved sons to serve at His holy altar. The Church’s presence was felt as Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Tshumbe, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nicolas Djomo joined Bishop Gerardo Colacicco, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of New York, our Prior Provincial, Very Reverend Mario Esposito, and several other priests in welcoming our Brother to the Order of Priesthood. Other Religious and an excited laity completed the cloud of witnesses at the event. In the end, a smiling Father Von emerged offering blessings to the bishops and our provincial, as he would later offer to all present. Already at work, we thank God for Father Von and continue to pray that he will be a good and holy priest!




News and Photos: Media of the Province of St. Elias 


About Giuseppe

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