Tarrytown, NY – In the evening of Oct. 15, 2022, a votive Mass to honor Our Lady of Fatima was held in the Church of Transfiguration to celebrate 105th Anniversary of the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Fatima, by the Vietnamese Catholic community of New York and New Jersey.
There were almost two-hundred people gathered to honor, pray, reflect and attend the votive Mass. The celebration was started by the chanting of the rosary. A solemn procession around and outside the church was made. The Mass was offered inside the church by Very Rev. Mario Esposito, O.Carm., Prior Provincial of the Carmelite Province of St. Elias. Concelebrating in Mass with him were our Carmelite and diocesan priests. The homily was given by Rev. Joseph Tri Phan, O.Carm.
Also attending the celebration were our Carmelite interns, novice and pre-novice. There was a beautiful celebration to honor our Mother. This was the first time the Church of Transfiguration hosted the event for the Vietnamese community of New York and New Jersey.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
News and Photos: SEL Media