Vung Tau City, Vietnam, 15-16 Oct. 2022
The Congress of Confraternities and Lay Carmelites was held in Vung Tau from the 15th to the 16th of October with 150 members from eight groups of the Third Order and Confraternities. They were from the Diocese of Vinh, Ban Me Thuot and the Archdiocese of Saigon.
The theme of the congress is “Lay Carmelites – Synodality with the Church”. During the two-day congress, members listened to the talks, shared and discussed how Lay Carmelites can participate more vividly in the life of the Church. Through group discussion, members also shared difficulties in their life of faith as well as offered their creative contribution to making the Church more dynamic in its role.
At the end of the Mass, there were thirty-five members who made temporary and final vows, and 10 other members received the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. During the congress, members had the opportunity to visit the cloistered nuns in Vung Tau. The Congress ended in a spirit of thanksgiving.
News and photos: SEL Media