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The Installation of the Ministry of Lectors

The Installation of the Ministry of Lectors

On Wednesday, November 13, 2024, Whitefriars Hall in Washington, DC, was the site of a solemn and joyful occasion as Brothers John Truc Nguyen, O.Carm. and Joseph Tuan Bui, O.Carm. were installed into the ministry of Lector. The installation was presided over by the Very Rev. Mario Esposito, O.Carm., Prior Provincial of the Province of St. Elias. The event coincided with the Memorial of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, a fitting celebration of dedication to service and the proclamation of the Word.

The ministry of Lector is a pivotal step in the formation journey of those called to the priesthood. By assuming this ministry, Brothers Joseph and John have committed themselves to proclaiming the Word of God during liturgical celebrations, deepening their understanding and love of Scripture, and living out the Gospel in their daily lives.

During his homily, Father Mario Esposito reflected on the life and legacy of St. Frances Cabrini, the first U.S. citizen to be canonized. Her tireless work with immigrants and the marginalized resonated with the Carmelite mission of service and prayer. He encouraged the brothers to emulate her unwavering faith and dedication as they take on the responsibilities of this new ministry.

Whitefriars Hall, a Carmelite formation community, served as an ideal setting for the installation. The chapel was filled with members of the Carmelite community, who witnessed and celebrated this significant milestone in the brothers’ vocational journey. Their installation as Lectors is a testament to their ongoing commitment to their Carmelite vocation and their readiness to serve the Church through the ministry of the Word.

As they embark on this new chapter, Brothers Joseph Tuan Bui and John Truc Nguyen continue to inspire those around them with their humility, dedication, and deep faith. May they be richly blessed as they proclaim the Word of God and serve as witnesses of His love and mercy.



SEL Media

About Giuseppe

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